STAT 118: Notes J

tidyr: reshaping data with pivot_longer() and pivot_wider()


Emily Malcolm-White

Middlebury College

Reshaping with Pivoting – Why?

Data frames are often described as wide or long.

Wide when a row has more than one observation, and the units of observation are on one row each

Long when a row has only one observation, but the units of observation are repeated down the column


canlang dataset


lang_wide <- read.csv("")

Pivot Longer

Credit: Credit:

lang_mother_tidy <- pivot_longer(lang_wide,
  cols = Toronto:Edmonton,
  names_to = "region",
  values_to = "mother_tongue"

# A tibble: 1,070 × 4
   category                                language         region mother_tongue
   <chr>                                   <chr>            <chr>          <int>
 1 Aboriginal languages                    Aboriginal lang… Toron…            80
 2 Aboriginal languages                    Aboriginal lang… Montr…            30
 3 Aboriginal languages                    Aboriginal lang… Vanco…            70
 4 Aboriginal languages                    Aboriginal lang… Calga…            20
 5 Aboriginal languages                    Aboriginal lang… Edmon…            25
 6 Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal languages Afrikaans        Toron…           985
 7 Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal languages Afrikaans        Montr…            90
 8 Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal languages Afrikaans        Vanco…          1435
 9 Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal languages Afrikaans        Calga…           960
10 Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal languages Afrikaans        Edmon…           575
# ℹ 1,060 more rows

The data above is now tidy because all three criteria for tidy data have now been met:

  • All the variables (category, language, region and mother_tongue) are now their own columns in the data frame.
  • Each observation, (i.e., each language in a region) is in a single row.
  • Each value is a single cell, i.e., its row, column position in the data frame is not shared with another value.

Pivot Wider

lang_long <- read.csv("")

Credit: Credit:

lang_home_tidy <- pivot_wider(lang_long,
  names_from = type,
  values_from = count
# A tibble: 1,070 × 5
   region    category                         language most_at_home most_at_work
   <chr>     <chr>                            <chr>           <int>        <int>
 1 Montréal  Aboriginal languages             Aborigi…           15            0
 2 Toronto   Aboriginal languages             Aborigi…           50            0
 3 Calgary   Aboriginal languages             Aborigi…            5            0
 4 Edmonton  Aboriginal languages             Aborigi…           10            0
 5 Vancouver Aboriginal languages             Aborigi…           15            0
 6 Montréal  Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal l… Afrikaa…           10            0
 7 Toronto   Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal l… Afrikaa…          265            0
 8 Calgary   Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal l… Afrikaa…          505           15
 9 Edmonton  Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal l… Afrikaa…          300            0
10 Vancouver Non-Official & Non-Aboriginal l… Afrikaa…          520           10
# ℹ 1,060 more rows



Let’s say we’d like to look at LifeExp over time for all the countries in Asia in our dataset.

# Create a dataset called asia with the data we need
asia <- gapminder %>% 
  filter(continent == "Asia") %>% 
  select(country, year, lifeExp)

We can create a wide version of our table, where each row is a country and each column a year, with values of lifeExp in each cell of the table.

lifeExp_wide <- asia %>% 
  # use pivot_wider to go from long to wide format
  pivot_wider(names_from = "year", 
              names_prefix = "yr", #it’s a good idea to avoid column names that start with a number
              values_from = "lifeExp")
# A tibble: 33 × 13
   country yr1952 yr1957 yr1962 yr1967 yr1972 yr1977 yr1982 yr1987 yr1992 yr1997
   <fct>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Afghan…   28.8   30.3   32.0   34.0   36.1   38.4   39.9   40.8   41.7   41.8
 2 Bahrain   50.9   53.8   56.9   59.9   63.3   65.6   69.1   70.8   72.6   73.9
 3 Bangla…   37.5   39.3   41.2   43.5   45.3   46.9   50.0   52.8   56.0   59.4
 4 Cambod…   39.4   41.4   43.4   45.4   40.3   31.2   51.0   53.9   55.8   56.5
 5 China     44     50.5   44.5   58.4   63.1   64.0   65.5   67.3   68.7   70.4
 6 Hong K…   61.0   64.8   67.6   70     72     73.6   75.4   76.2   77.6   80  
 7 India     37.4   40.2   43.6   47.2   50.7   54.2   56.6   58.6   60.2   61.8
 8 Indone…   37.5   39.9   42.5   46.0   49.2   52.7   56.2   60.1   62.7   66.0
 9 Iran      44.9   47.2   49.3   52.5   55.2   57.7   59.6   63.0   65.7   68.0
10 Iraq      45.3   48.4   51.5   54.5   57.0   60.4   62.0   65.0   59.5   58.8
# ℹ 23 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: yr2002 <dbl>, yr2007 <dbl>